Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Idea of the Day

For some reason, every time I put on the TV lately it seems like Gentlemen Prefer Blondes is showing. I love this movie and I LOVE Marilyn. This movie inspires me to want to be a sexy lounge singer. My vision is me doing a sort of Marilyn meets Michelle Pfeiffer in The Fabulous Baker Boys type show. The hair, the makeup, the DRESSES, I mean, talk about Ah-mazingly fun. And of course, the singing would be important too... I would totally go see a show like that. Would you?

So I'm struggling a bit with feeling like a raging narcissist for starting this blog. It is strange to have a website devoted entirely to my own ambitions. However, my intentions are that this blog will be inspirational to anyone following. I suppose that it will take some time to stop feeling embarrassed about posting poor quality videos of me singing. In the words of the wonderful Miss Marilyn Monroe,"Imperfection is beauty. Madness is genius and it is better to be absolutely ridiculous then absolutely boring."


  1. What a beautiful quote from one of the most beautiful women in history! I am looking forward to reading more on your blog, and don't feel like such a narcissistic- it comes along with the package of having a blog- we are suppose to spill ourselves :)

    Kayla @

  2. Thanks Kayla! I guess this blogging thing will take some getting used to... Also, I checked out your blog and I look forward to following you too:) Your little girl is precious.

  3. Oh my god...I love that quote!!!Next time I'm being ridiculous and think I should calm down I will think, "At least I'm not boring!"

    I must save that quote :-)

  4. Gotta love a bit of madness :)

    Great blog post Singing Nurse!

