Monday, February 14, 2011

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

Ah, Valentines Day... sike!(Do people still say that?My guess is no.) I promise not to write anything about love on this February 14th. No, today the subject is time. As in, where in the fuck does it go? 

One of my biggest challenges with this new endeavor is that I'm a working mother of two little girls(a three year old and three month old) and my husband, who is also a nurse, has to work an opposite schedule for child care reasons. After all responsibilities have been addressed, there is about 0.5 seconds left in the day to devote to music and blogging about music. The reality is that priorities have to change, and I have to accept that sometimes I can't get it all done. 

So on that note, I am making this post short and sweet. I managed to sneak in about 15 minutes yesterday to record a song. Although I promised not to WRITE anything about love, I didn't say anything about SINGING!

Sorry, I couldn't resist... 


  1. Holy crap, you have a good voice! :D

    Love your blog, btw. It takes guts to go against the norm and pursue music, especially if you already have a "normal" life established. You go girl! I look forward to reading more about your singing nurse experiment.

  2. Thanks for the compliments girls! And thanks for following. Encouragement is needed!
