Friday, February 18, 2011

Are you hardcore enough?

I'm in one of those, "screw it, it's too hard, and you should just save yourself any further embarrassment" kinda moods. It's probably because of my lack of sleep from the night shift so I'm trying to ignore it... we'll see. 

I'm sitting here listening to Cut Copy instead of the music I'm supposed to be spending the kid's nap time practicing. I wish that I could just be a lead singer of a rock and roll band. Yes, I just said rock and roll band. I mean, this is the music that I mostly listen to so it's only natural, right? The only problem is I don't play an instrument and this dream would require me putting a band together... not going to happen. And I have another issue. 

I think I may be getting more of a thirty-something mentality rather than a twenty-something, and I'm just not that cool anymore. I look back at my early twenties and think, "Wow, did I really do that?" which is a sure fire sign that your just not that cool anymore. I used to actually live a credible rock and roll lifestyle. Now, I'm a disneyfied version of my old self... that still likes to drink. Also, I find myself becoming increasingly annoyed with these "hipsters." I'm not really sure if I was ever an actual hipster, but one of the main reasons I think that I may have been is my staunch denial of ever being one, total hipster reaction. BUT, I was not obsessed with being so fucking cool like a lot of these hipsters I encounter. This I know! I digress, the point is I would love to adorn myself in my coolest garb and wail into the microphone as a shake my hair in my face, but that ship has sailed. All in all, I think I'm ok with that. 

Here is a video of one of my favorite local rock groups that is, along with my more hardcore self, no longer. It brings me back to the good old days...huh...

1 comment:

  1. I totally know the 'not hardcore enough' feeling - I was shopping the other day and a guy with a mohawk and rancid shirt was trying to sign people up to an environmental charity.
    I went up to him and started chatting punk rock - it was only after that I realised that with white yoga pants, a pink singlet and my blonde hair in pig-tails he must have thought I was punk-rock barbie.
    I no longer get about in band shirts and dreadlocks. I'm all grown up now.
