Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The plan... for now.

It's time to get a little more organized. I think I've been having trouble getting anything accomplished with music because I don't really have a "vision." I have fantasies about singing, but no real plan of action. It's time to get real and look at the facts. One is glaringly obvious, and that is we need more money. The most logical way to make more money by singing is to market myself as a wedding singer. Of course, I am referring to the wedding ceremony. I already know all of the standards, and it is a way to make a little extra money without having to pay a sitter to watch the girls because most ceremonies only last about an hour. And there is also the practice time, but even this is minimal. 

As for the plan... this is where it gets a little tricky. First, I need to record at least a couple of songs to be able to market myself. Ummkay, I don't have the equipment to do this myself so I need to figure out who I know(if anyone) that does. Then, I have to figure out the best way to advertise myself. This will just require a bit of research on my part. Then I'll be at least utilizing my voice, making a bit of cash, and can still pursue other avenues of music making. 

Simple, right? 

1 comment:

  1. Kudos for making a plan. Sometimes that is the hardest part.

    You can probably start by advertising on Craigslist. I know a lot of people start their search there when they are looking for wedding-related stuff.

    Anyway, good luck! Wedding season is coming up. I know you can totally rock it. :D
