Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My One Year Blogiversary!

I have not been in the mood for blogging lately. I suppose I haven't really felt like I had much to say. Well, that is not really true. I just haven't really felt like typing it all out. I know that sounds lazy... because it is, but hey, at least I admit it. And the other issue is that there is really only so much I can say about my music project(I'm getting to that.) So I've made the decision to broaden my blogging to include other subjects. No, I'm not turning this into a "mommy blog." I am just going to incorporate other thoughts about life and such that is all part of the bigger picture that includes my hopeful success with music. 

Ok, so update on the music. I pretty much have a full set list together! There is still a lot of "fine tuning" to do, but we have made so much progress! AND I have been talked into adding an upright bass and drummer. So we are putting off any demo recordings until the new instruments are added, which should be soon. This is the first time that it has finally hit me that this is going to happen. I am actually accomplishing my goal. Yay me! Now I need to decide on a stage name. I just don't think Leah Rucker has enough sex appeal... Suggestions? Victoria? Evanna Humpalot? 

Now it's time for phase two of the goal. I had not originally planned for two phases, but I'm going with it. Simply learning and practicing music is not enough. I have come to realize that attitude and confidence is VITAL to being a good performer. I have some issues in those areas... So I figure to really be the best at ANYTHING I do, I need to change these habits. Hence the new direction that I referenced earlier that I am taking my blog. 

I also have no intensions of turning this into a "self help blog." I have no authority to be telling anyone how to live. It is rather going to be me telling about my experiences with this experiment. After all, that it the name of my blog;) 

Anything that you want to do well requires practice, including learning how to live well. This blog has been very instrumental in helping me hold myself accountable for pursuing my goal with music. My hope is that I can use it to do the same for other areas of my life. Can't hurt anyway. 

"Who are you?" someone asks. "I am the story of myself."
-M. Scott Momaday

"When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge" -Tuli Kupferberg