Saturday, July 23, 2011

Going on a Hope and a Prayer

I feel guilty. I have been avoiding my blog. The main reason is because I don't really have anything music related to blog about. It has fallen into that "things on my to do list that never get done" category. I knew that there was a good possibility that this would happen.  I wish that I could say that I now intend to end this chronic procrastination, but the reality is that I probably won't. 

On a similar note, I have been thinking a lot lately about people who manage to find their "niche." I imagine that it must feel amazing to get to do what you love, and are good at doing, for a living. I've always held the belief that you can find something that you want to do, work hard to excel, and wind up loving it. I'm not so sure of this theory anymore. I think that WANTING something to be great isn't enough, maybe. There is a fine line between something not being right, or your approach to it not being right. How do you know if it's your attitude that needs changing or the situation all together? 

One thing is for sure, music is the only constant in my ever evolving existence. That means something, right? I am throwing up my hands, and asking the cosmos to help a sista out. If music is my "niche" then why is it so hard for me to DO IT? AND if it's not, then why can't I just put it aside and find fulfillment through some other avenue?